Biopsychosocial Blog

“Clear your mind, transform your body, nourish your spirit.”

Mind Body and Spirit

PTSD Group in Tyrone Georgia, 3rd Saturday of each month from 1000 to 1130 HRS

 Recently at one of our PTSD group sessions, John D. said something quite profound concerning connection, community, and relationships. He noted that North Vietnamese veterans suffered far less from post-traumatic experiences compared to veterans from the US, and suggested it was due to the Vietnamese experience of the civilian population embracing their veterans in community. While they would return to home to family, extended family, and community, our society is fragmented and dispersed geographically and not as cohesive relationally in terms of family (intergenerational)and community(clans). It resonated with me then, and later one of my readings from Trauma Informed Care course at the University of Georgia, Dr. Perry’s (PhD., MD) book, What Happened to You? confirmed the importance of connection.

He writes:

For thousands and thousands of years, humans lived in small intergenerational groups. There were no mental health clinics, but there was plenty of trauma. I assume that many of our ancestors experienced post-traumatic problems: anxiety, depression, sleep disruptions. But I also assume that they experienced healing. Our species could not have survived if a majority of our traumatized ancestors lost their capacity to function well. The pillars of traditional healing were1) connection to clan and the natural world, 2) regulating rhythm through dance), a set of beliefs, values, and stories that brough meaning to even senseless, random trauma; and 4) on occasion, natural hallucinogens or other plant derived substances used to facilitate healing with guidance of a healer or elder.

He went on to say that we have learned that best practices in trauma care are basically versions of these four things. 

My family is dispersed, as John noted, across the United States. I have been trying for 3 years to get into a Vet center group. I can’t be the only one. That’s why we started this one. What a great help it’s been to me. I also spend a lot of time in nature, exercising, meditating, hobbies (piano and gardening), I need to dance more (lol), and am a firm believer of the power of nootropics. These are all adaptive ways (as you know I have tried some maladaptive ways as well to my chagrin) that I am experiencing optimal physical and mental health.

I also see what we do here to be a resource system for combat Veterans. Here are some of those resources, and we have a list of these at our meetings.

In your service,


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